Package Ukulele Class- How Songs Work & Cycle The Circle Of 5ths


How Songs Work (All Levels)
There is a chord associated with each of the seven notes of a major scale. When played in context, each chord evokes a certain emotional response from the listener. Learning these chordal relationships will open your ears to the chord progressions to millions of songs. This is the first step to learning to play by ear and could change the way you listen to and play music. Knowledge of finger positions for C, dm, em, F, G, am, helpful. This is Jim’s signature workshop.
Cycle The Circle! Chord Progressions & The Circle of 5ths (All Levels)
The chord progressions heard in popular music follow well-worn paths around the Circle of 5ths. It is the roadmap to the musical universe.  In this exciting workshop you’ll learn to read the map, and discover the logical nature of popular music.  Knowledge of chords C F G7 A7 D7 E7 Am Dm Em is helpful.

Jim D’Ville Bio:
Jim D’Ville is a music educator and facilitator who is on a mission to get ukulele players off the paper and playing music by ear. For nearly two decades Jim has taught his Play Ukulele By Ear workshops to tens of thousands of players in the United States, Canada, Australia, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Jim has taught and performed at major ukulele events including the Ukulele Festival of Scotland, Kerrville Folk Festival, The NAMM Show, Melbourne (Australia) Ukulele Festival, West Coast Ukulele Retreat and many others. Jim is the author of the Play Ukulele By Ear DVD series and hosts the popular Play Ukulele By Ear website (, and his Patreon site Pop Up Uke ( Jim is a Contributing Editor to Ukulele (magazine) and is sponsored in-part by Ukulele (, and Aquila Strings of Italy (

Teacher: Jim D’Ville
Dates: March 29th
Time: 1:00 pm- 3:30 pm
Cost: $50


In stock

Processing Fee $2.75
Total Payable Amount $52.75

Event Details

Date: March 29th

Start time: 01:00 p.m. PDT

End time: 03:30 p.m. PDT

Venue: McCabe's Guitar Shop

Phone: (310)828-4497
